1. 1st. Yady Irania García
    Olympo Fitness Piura
    The black marlin: 1st (06:29)
    Cheetah: 2nd (233 reps)
    The match 2025 - A: 1st (06:36)
    The match 2025 - B: 1st (135 lbs)
  2. 2st. Tatiana Restrepo
    323 Training Box
    The black marlin: 2nd (07:15)
    Cheetah: 1st (246 reps)
    The match 2025 - A: 3rd (07:04)
    The match 2025 - B: 4th (115 lbs)
  3. 3st. Job Esparza
    The black marlin: 4th (09:18)
    Cheetah: 4th (63 reps)
    The match 2025 - A: 2nd (06:56)
    The match 2025 - B: 3rd (125 lbs)
  4. 4st. Diana Carolina Tume
    BeFit Crosstraining & Health
    The black marlin: 5th (23 reps)
    Cheetah: 3rd (174 reps)
    The match 2025 - A: 5th (09:45)
    The match 2025 - B: 1st (135 lbs)
  5. 5st. Ares
    The Wod
    The black marlin: 3rd (08:14)
    Cheetah: 5th (20 reps)
    The match 2025 - A: 4th (08:00)
    The match 2025 - B: 5th (105 lbs)
    Rebeca Cortez
    Ver Perfil
RANK AVATAR ATLETA PUNTOS The black marlin Cheetah The match 2025 - A The match 2025 - B
1st Yady Irania García
Olympo Fitness Piura
397 1st (06:29)
100 pts
2nd (233 reps)
97 pts
1st (06:36)
100 pts
1st (135 lbs)
100 pts
2st Tatiana Restrepo
323 Training Box
382 2nd (07:15)
97 pts
1st (246 reps)
100 pts
3rd (07:04)
94 pts
4th (115 lbs)
91 pts
3st Job Esparza
373 4th (09:18)
91 pts
4th (63 reps)
91 pts
2nd (06:56)
97 pts
3rd (125 lbs)
94 pts
4st Diana Carolina Tume
BeFit Crosstraining & Health
370 5th (23 reps)
88 pts
3rd (174 reps)
94 pts
5th (09:45)
88 pts
1st (135 lbs)
100 pts
5st Ares
The Wod
Rebeca Cortez
Ver Perfil
361 3rd (08:14)
94 pts
5th (20 reps)
88 pts
4th (08:00)
91 pts
5th (105 lbs)
88 pts